How to get over from Heart Breaks?

Seeing someone you love, leaving you is painful. Isn’t it?

Surviving in this pain is much painful. If you are in such a situation. Then this blog is for you. Here we will share 6 prominent tips on, “How to come out of this pain?”

So, the first one for you is:

Feel your feelings

In the days after your breakup, we advise you to not keep your emotions inside yourself. Instead of that, explode out with the emotions in you. Probably your loss would gift you five things:

  • Anger
  • Denial
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

In such a situation, never question any of your emotions but try to experience each one of them & then come out as a different person.

P.S. A person who no longer care about past

Cut off communication with your ex

It is scientifically proven that heartbreak in real hurt so much. The release of “Oxytocin” in our body helps us to sense out the feeling of trust, care, concern with another person. So, in such a scenario if you talk to your ex your oxytocin level will increase and this will eventually let you not forget that particular person.

Find a support system

You have friends, Isn’t it?

You should call them at this moment in your life. They would be your biggest support at this moment of life. They would act as the best counselor you could have got in your life.

They will help you to get out of these fallacies with time as they would let you focus on other important things in your life.

Participate in any activity

Try to get yourself indulged in any activity that diverts your mind completely. The activity could be an old hobby that you thought to do someday. It could be, “You joining the gym”. It could be anything that makes you happy and raises your serotonin hormone. Because, in the end, it is all about, “How you let yourself indulge in something productive?”

Remember the reason

A relationship is all about the memories & moments you have with another person. Now, post-breakup what you have to do: You have to analyze all the negative aspects of your relationship which led you to the situation you are currently in. This would help you counterbalance all the obsessive thinking you will probably be experiencing just because of the hormonal imbalance in your body.

Nothing is permanent

Just like your relationship, this pain is also temporary. This too shall pass. You don’t have to lose faith in yourself & god. You have to just work in a way that can heal you super soon & let you not waste your time over the same thing for so long.

And, then when you recover. Try out, this super cool online dating platform: Spouslr that is awarded as “Best dating app for single Muslims”

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